
Partner With Us

Is your desire "a world without poverty"? Partner with us today to make the change that we want to see through assisting small businesses in Uganda grow to the next level, create more meaningful employment, and get out of poverty.

Supporting SACCOs and organized groups will further enhance financial inclusion, opening avenues for economic growth and the eradication of poverty.

Partner with us


Success Stories

Mariam's Beauty Palour
Mwendya Mariam

Mariam's Beauty Palour

Mariam, the owner of Mariam’s Beauty Parlor on Republic Street in Mbale Town, transitioned from a family business to pursue her dream of owning her own business. With her savings and additional capital from Vine Microfinance, she successfully established this business. We assisted her in maintaining organized business records and financial discipline from the outset. Currently employing one permanent staff besides herself. Mariam aspires to expand by manufacturing her own cosmetic products for a global market.

Your support and partnership with us can empower individuals like Mariam to turn their dreams into reality.
Sharon Nanyondo
Sharon Nanyondo

Shan Snacks

Sharon is a dedicated young entrepreneur who produces a diverse range of healthy snacks and drinks. Her product range includes items such as Shan yogurt, Irish & banana crisps, hard corn, daddies, and fried Mukene with the potential for more offerings. Vine Microfinance gave her a working capital loan, and she was able to acquire the necessary packaging materials and some raw materials. In addition to financial assistance, we continue to give her business growth advice and help her maintain accurate records.
Impact: She has been able to hire one permanent employee and two salespeople.
Future Plans: Sharon aspires to be the leading producer of high-quality, flavourful, and healthy snacks in Uganda. She believes she can generate at least 100 jobs for the youth in the next 5 years. Collaborating with Vine Microfinance can make a significant difference for entrepreneurs like Sharon, fostering business growth and helping alleviate poverty.